This post outlines the process to replace a Tuya radio module with one running ESPHome to fully control a heated mattress pad locally with Home Assistant.
I purchased a Sunbeam Heated Mattress Pad for those cold winter nights. While the mattress pad controller connects to WiFi and has a remote control app, it has a safety feature that limits functionality—the app can only adjust heat levels and turn the pad off unless you’ve recently pressed a physical button on the controller. Effectively limiting the app to just change the heat level and turning it off.
I wondered about the usefulness of an app to control your bed temperature when you’re already lying next to the controller’s ON button. But I suppose some people prefer using their phone, which is likely already in hand, rather than reaching for a button on the nightstand.
Local Control
For better security and privacy, I explored ways to control the heated mattress pad through my Home Assistant instance.
The controller uses the Tuya IoT platform, which can integrate with Home Assistant through the unofficial LocalTuya integration. While setup required registering with the Tuya API and initially connecting the device to the internet, once configured, I could firewall the controller from the internet while maintaining full control through Home Assistant. This solution worked well for a while.
Custom Firmware
I eventually wanted more comprehensive local control and the ability to fully integrate the device with my other Home Assistant automations. For example, preheating the bed at bedtime when the outside temperature drops below a certain point. This meant bypassing the physical button restriction. I also wanted to remove my reliance on the unofficial LocalTuya integration and use a native integration.
Enter ESPHome, an open source firmware for embedded devices (primarily ESP32 chips, though others are supported) that integrates natively with Home Assistant.
Tuya Architecture
Tuya devices use a two-part system: a main MCU handling device functionality and a separate chip managing WiFi/Bluetooth and cloud operations. These chips communicate via a UART serial protocol.
The mattress pad’s radio MCU is the WBR3
. It contains a RTL8720CF
chip and supports some third-party firmware through LibreTiny, but not native ESPHome yet. This meant physically replacing the radio module with an ESPHome-compatible one will be required. While others have replaced Tuya radios before, each device presents unique challenges.
Fortunately, the ESP-12 has an almost identical pinout to the WBR3, making it a suitable replacement. Despite its name, the ESP-12 is actually an ESP8266 chip.
Initial ESP-12 Flashing
The bare ESP-12 lacks common dev-board features like a USB port, USB-to-Serial chip, boot button, or power regulator. Initial programming requires a specific wiring configuration to a serial adapter, though subsequent updates can be done wirelessly via OTA.
Here’s the required wiring for the initial programming over UART:
TX ------ RX
RX ------ TX
EN ------ RTS
GPIO0 ---- DTR
GPIO15 --- GND
GND ------ GND
VCC ------ 3.3v
needs to be pulled to ground for normal operations and for serial programming. So I permanently bridged GPIO15
to the neighboring GND
After connecting the ESP-12 to my USB UART adapter, I flashed a basic minimal ESPHome configuration to enable network connectivity and OTA updates.
Adding the ESP Radio
Even though the ESP-12 is pin compatible as the WBR3, and can be replaced directly with it, I decided to keep the original Tuya module just in case it was never needed in the future, and more importantly, remove the risk of my breaking something in the desoldering process.
To disable the WBR3 without removing it, I grounded its EN (enable) pin, keeping the WBR3 permanently off and preventing conflicts with the ESP-12 when communicating over the now shared UART.
I then connected the ESP-12 to the UART Tx, Rx, 3.3v, GND, and added a connection from GPIO5
to the presence button on the control panel.
The ESP-12 now effectively replaces the WBR3, handling all UART communication and drawing power from the WBR3’s voltage regulator. As a bonus, it can simulate physical button presses via the GPIO line, bypassing the presence check requirement.
The control unit has the low voltage negative/ground plane connected directly to mains neutral! While this “works” it is considered unsafe and potentially dangerous. This effectively means that when the device is connected to mains AC power, mains current may be flowing through the low voltage components, even when off. Since voltage is relative, they will work just fine as long as nothing else connects to the low voltage components not expecting mains neutral on the ground plane! As a result, if you want to debug with UART, or flash the ESP, you MUST do it with the mains plug fully disconnected! I learned this the hard way. I fried a USB-UART adapter which did not appreciate the mains power surging through it. After this happened I mapped out the traces on the PCB to discover this design flaw. As long as mains power is connected, do not let anything external interact with the device! Ever.
Finally, I secured the new ESP-12 by hot-gluing it directly over the disabled WBR3.
ESPHome Configuration
ESPHome includes a component for the Tuya UART protocol. I just needed to identify the correct data point numbers and types. Fortunately, these matched the data points already used by the LocalTuya integration, and are documented in this Home Assistant Community thread.
To automatically bypass the physical button requirement, I programmed ESPHome to toggle GPIO5
, simulating a button press before activating the mattress pad. I also simplified the interface by replacing Tuya’s drop-down menus with more intuitive controls in Home Assistant, such as using a slider for heat levels instead of select menus.
You can view my ESPHome configuration below.
Full ESPHome Config
node_name: mattress
name: ${node_name}
friendly_name: Mattress
board: esp12e # the board is a ESP-12F, but this is close enough
ssid: !secret wifi_name
password: !secret wifi_password
ssid: ${node_name} AP
password: !secret hotspot_password
# fallback mechanism for when connecting to the configured WiFi fails.
# Enable Home Assistant API
key: !secret api_encryption_key
- platform: esphome
password: !secret ota_password
- platform: homeassistant
id: time_hass
baud_rate: 0 # (UART logging interferes with tuya)
port: 80
include_internal: true
number: GPIO2
inverted: true
rx_pin: RX #GPIO3
tx_pin: TX #GPIO1
baud_rate: 9600
time_id: time_hass
- platform: status
name: Status
- platform: wifi_signal
name: WiFi Signal
update_interval: 10s
- throttle_average: 60s
# node uptime sensor
- platform: uptime
name: Boot Time
id: uptime_sensor
icon: mdi:clock-start
type: timestamp
- platform: "tuya"
name: Side A Auto Off Timer
sensor_datapoint: 28
icon: mdi:timer-stop-outline
entity_category: diagnostic
unit_of_measurement: seconds
- platform: "tuya"
name: Side B Auto Off Timer
sensor_datapoint: 29
icon: mdi:timer-stop-outline
entity_category: diagnostic
unit_of_measurement: seconds
# Master
- platform: "tuya"
id: master_power_sw
switch_datapoint: 1
restore_mode: DISABLED
internal: true
- switch.turn_off: master_preheat_sw
- platform: template
name: "Master Power"
icon: mdi:car-seat-heater
lambda: |-
return id(master_power_sw).state;
- switch.turn_on: activity_btn
- delay: 0.5s
- switch.turn_on: master_power_sw
- switch.turn_off: master_power_sw
- platform: "tuya"
name: "Master Preheat Power"
switch_datapoint: 8
icon: mdi:fire
id: master_preheat_sw
restore_mode: DISABLED
# Side A
- platform: "tuya"
id: side_a_power_sw
switch_datapoint: 14
restore_mode: DISABLED
internal: true
- switch.turn_off: side_a_preheat_sw
- platform: template
name: "Side A Power"
icon: mdi:car-seat-heater
lambda: |-
return id(side_a_power_sw).state;
- switch.turn_on: activity_btn
- delay: 0.5s
- switch.turn_on: side_a_power_sw
- switch.turn_off: side_a_power_sw
- platform: "tuya"
name: "Side A Preheat"
switch_datapoint: 24
icon: mdi:fire
restore_mode: DISABLED
id: side_a_preheat_sw
# Side B
- platform: "tuya"
id: side_b_power_sw
switch_datapoint: 15
restore_mode: DISABLED
internal: true
- switch.turn_off: side_b_preheat_sw
- platform: template
name: "Side B Power"
icon: mdi:car-seat-heater
lambda: |-
return id(side_b_power_sw).state;
- switch.turn_on: activity_btn
- delay: 0.5s
- switch.turn_on: side_b_power_sw
- switch.turn_off: side_b_power_sw
- platform: "tuya"
name: "Side B Preheat"
switch_datapoint: 25
icon: mdi:fire
restore_mode: DISABLED
id: side_b_preheat_sw
- platform: gpio
number: GPIO5
inverted: true
id: activity_btn
name: "Activity Button"
entity_category: diagnostic
internal: true
- delay: 500ms
- switch.turn_off: activity_btn
- platform: template
name: "Side A Level"
id: side_a_level
step: 1
min_value: 1
max_value: 10
update_interval: never
entity_category: config
icon: mdi:thermometer
lambda: |-
return std::stoi(id(side_a_level_int).state.substr(6));
- select.set:
id: side_a_level_int
option: !lambda return "Level " + std::to_string(int(x));
- platform: template
name: "Side B Level"
id: side_b_level
step: 1
min_value: 1
max_value: 10
update_interval: never
entity_category: config
icon: mdi:thermometer
lambda: |-
return std::stoi(id(side_b_level_int).state.substr(6));
- select.set:
id: side_b_level_int
option: !lambda return "Level " + std::to_string(int(x));
- platform: template
name: "Master Heat Level"
id: master_level
step: 1
min_value: 1
max_value: 10
update_interval: never
entity_category: config
icon: mdi:thermometer
lambda: |-
return std::stoi(id(master_level_int).state.substr(6));
- select.set:
id: master_level_int
option: !lambda return "Level " + std::to_string(int(x));
- platform: "tuya"
entity_category: config
id: master_level_int
enum_datapoint: 4
internal: true
0: "Level 1" # L
1: "Level 2"
2: "Level 3"
3: "Level 4"
4: "Level 5"
5: "Level 6"
6: "Level 7"
7: "Level 8"
8: "Level 9"
9: "Level 10" # H
- component.update: master_level
- platform: "tuya"
entity_category: config
id: side_a_level_int
enum_datapoint: 20
internal: true
0: "Level 1" # L
1: "Level 2"
2: "Level 3"
3: "Level 4"
4: "Level 5"
5: "Level 6"
6: "Level 7"
7: "Level 8"
8: "Level 9"
9: "Level 10" # H
- component.update: side_a_level
- platform: "tuya"
entity_category: config
id: side_b_level_int
internal: true
enum_datapoint: 21
0: "Level 1" # L
1: "Level 2"
2: "Level 3"
3: "Level 4"
4: "Level 5"
5: "Level 6"
6: "Level 7"
7: "Level 8"
8: "Level 9"
9: "Level 10" # H
- component.update: side_b_level
- platform: "tuya"
entity_category: config
name: "Side A Set Timer"
enum_datapoint: 26
icon: mdi:timer
0: 0.5 hours
1: 1 hour
2: 1.5 hours
3: 2 hours
4: 2.5 hours
5: 3 hours
6: 3.5 hours
7: 4 hours
8: 4.5 hours
9: 5 hours
10: 5.5 hours
11: 6 hours
12: 6.5 hours
13: 7 hours
14: 7.5 hours
15: 8 hours
16: 8.5 hours
17: 9 hours
18: 9.5 hours
19: 10 hours
20: 24 hours
- platform: "tuya"
entity_category: config
name: "Side B Set Timer"
enum_datapoint: 27
icon: mdi:timer
0: 0.5 hours
1: 1 hour
2: 1.5 hours
3: 2 hours
4: 2.5 hours
5: 3 hours
6: 3.5 hours
7: 4 hours
8: 4.5 hours
9: 5 hours
10: 5.5 hours
11: 6 hours
12: 6.5 hours
13: 7 hours
14: 7.5 hours
15: 8 hours
16: 8.5 hours
17: 9 hours
18: 9.5 hours
19: 10 hours
20: 24 hours
# version sensor
- platform: version
name: Firmware Version
hide_timestamp: False
id: version_txt
# wifi info
- platform: wifi_info
name: IP Address
entity_category: diagnostic
name: MAC Address
entity_category: diagnostic
- platform: restart
name: Restart
id: restart_btn
I’ve made a Home Assistant dashboard for controlling the bed as wellHome Assistant Dashboard
type: custom:vertical-stack-in-card
- type: conditional
- entity: switch.mattress_master_power
state: "on"
type: button
show_name: true
show_icon: true
entity: switch.mattress_master_power
icon: mdi:car-seat-heater
show_state: true
name: Bed Power
- type: conditional
- entity: switch.mattress_master_power
state_not: "on"
type: button
show_name: true
show_icon: true
action: call-service
service: script.warm_bed
service_data: {}
target: {}
icon: mdi:car-seat-heater
show_state: true
name: Preheat Bed
- type: custom:collapsable-cards
title: Details
- type: entities
- entity: switch.mattress_master_power
name: Power
icon: mdi:radiator
- entity: number.mattress_master_heat_level
name: Level
- entity: switch.mattress_master_preheat_power
name: Preheat
icon: mdi:fire
state_color: true
show_header_toggle: false
- type: custom:vertical-stack-in-card
horizontal: true
- type: entities
- entity: switch.mattress_side_a_power
name: A
icon: mdi:radiator
secondary_info: none
- entity: number.mattress_side_a_level
name: Level
- entity: switch.mattress_side_a_preheat
name: Preheat
icon: mdi:fire
- entity: select.mattress_side_a_set_timer
name: Timer
icon: mdi:clock-edit
show_header_toggle: false
state_color: true
- type: entities
- entity: switch.mattress_side_b_power
name: B
icon: mdi:radiator
secondary_info: none
- entity: number.mattress_side_b_level
name: Level
- entity: switch.mattress_side_b_preheat
name: Preheat
icon: mdi:fire
- entity: select.mattress_side_b_set_timer
name: Timer
icon: mdi:clock-edit
show_header_toggle: false
state_color: true