Sena WiFi Adapter Security Assessment & Vulnerabilities

This post outlines a security assessment of the new Sena Wifi Adapter I performed last summer for fun. With the world on lock-down due to COVID-19, I spent a lot of time last summer escaping the city going on motorcycle rides through the mountains and forests surrounding the bay area. It’s the perfect social distance activity because if you get within 6ft of someone you are likely to crash. One of my favorite motorcycle accessories is my Sena headset. It allows me to listen to navigation or music from my phone over Bluetooth while riding, and talk to other riders in my group. ...

March 9, 2021 · 18 min

Xiaomi M365 Scooter Authentication Bypass

Sometime in the first half of 2018 there was an explosion of “Dockless e-scooters” appearing all over the Bay Area. These devices are electric scooters that anyone can rent for a one-way trip and find/leave then (at the time) anywhere you want. As one could guess this lead to lots of issues but they where convenient and I wanted one of my own so I did a little research onto how to acquire one for private use. ...

May 15, 2019 · 8 min

BygoneSSL - dealing with residual certificates for pre-owned domains

This is the blog version of my DEFCON 26 talk Lost and Found Certificates: dealing with residual certificates for pre-owned domains, which I co-presented with Dylan Ayrey. You can learn more about BygoneSSL and see a demo at The Problem A Certificate can outlive the ownership of a domain. If the domain is then re-registered by someone else, this leaves with the first owner with a valid SSL certificate for the domain now owned by someone else. ...

August 13, 2018 · 8 min


Certgraph is a tool I’ve been developing to scan and graph the network of SSL certificate alternative names. It can be used to find other domains that belong to an organization that may be several orders removed and not always obvious. Background The idea for this project came about after examining the SSL certificate for If you look closely at the screenshot below you will see that the SSL certificate used on is also valid for many of domains which have no relationship to XKCD or Randall Munroe. ...

April 6, 2018 · 7 min

Tethr: Android Tethering Provisioning Check Bypass (CVE-2017-0554)

On most unrooted, stock, Android phones, enabling tethering will run a “Provisioning Check” with your wireless provider to ensure that your data plan allows tethering. This post documents Tethr, a way to bypass the provisioning check on Android devices prior to version 7.1.2. After discovering this method I reported it to the Android bug bounty fixing the issue and receiving CVE-2017-0554. Background The ability to tether is controlled by your device’s build.prop file, usually located at /system/build.prop. The default is to require the provisioning check before enabling tethering, but it can by bypassed by adding the following line: ...

December 27, 2017 · 4 min


For those of you not in the know, ambergris is defined as: a wax-like substance that originates as a secretion in the intestines of the sperm whale, found floating in tropical seas and used in perfume manufacture. However, that will not be what this post is about (sorry to disappoint). Instead, I’ll present what happens when building an image on Docker that contains a reverse shell in the Dockerfile. ...

January 19, 2017 · 7 min


A while ago I came into possession of a few HID iClass readers. After collecting dust in my project drawer for a few months I decided to find a fun use for them, which ended up in the project I call Badgy. Background The back of the HID readers have 10 colored wires coming out of them. Luckily the readers also had a nice sticker telling me which wire was what. ...

December 24, 2016 · 7 min

Fast and Vulnerable: A Story of Telematic Failures

I gave a presentation at WOOT 2015 demonstrating how network enabled telematic control units (TCUs) can be used to remotely control automobiles from arbitrary distance over SMS or the internet. Abstract Modern automobiles are complex distributed systems in which virtually all functionality—from acceleration and braking to lighting and HVAC — is mediated by computerized controllers. The interconnected nature of these systems raises obvious security concerns and prior work has demonstrated that a vulnerability in any single component may provide the means to compromise the system as a whole. Thus, the addition of new components, and especially new components with external networking capability, creates risks that must be carefully considered. ...

August 11, 2015 · 2 min

PSA: Enable server certificate revocation checking in Chrome

Recently there has been a lot of buzz about the recent Heartbleed vulnerability found in some versions of OpenSSL. The attack works due to a mistake in the server validating part of the request made by the SSL client. The popular web comic XKCD has made a great simple comic explaining how the attack works, and there are simple tools to test for vulnerable servers. But how does this affect me, a user? ...

April 14, 2014 · 2 min


At an internship I had a while ago one project assigned to me was to regain access to a CCTV security system which we had been locked out of for some years. (The previous manager left without leaving the password.) The DVR system was a TRIPLEX DVRLink DVR468RW, whatever that is. It seemed cheap; a small embedded computer with video in/out, a hard-drive and CD-RW drive for recording storage. The administration interface was accessed either by a web server running on the device or a desktop client you installed on your computer. ...

June 20, 2013 · 3 min